Thursday, June 9, 2016

Animal Research Projects


     In February, we began watching the Decorah Eagle webcam  and the children had lots of questions about the eggs, eaglets, and the habits of the eagles. We used this source, along with books, artifacts, and websites to do research about the bald eagle. 

webcam viewing

models of eagle feathers, skull, and talons

     We then worked together to write a nonfiction book that included facts about the eagle’s body, habitat, diet, and life cycle.  

understanding wingspan

    measuring wingspan

     We shared our books with our first grade friends who were also writing nonfiction and brought their books to share. 

     To culminate the project, we broke into small groups and were given specific challenges to apply our learning. 

build an eagle habitat

make eggs that are "actual size"

fill an eagle's "lunchbox" with favorite foods

measure/draw an eagle's wingspan to actual size

      We then shared theses projects with another kindergarten class to teach them what we had learned.       
   With that experience under our belt, it was then time for the children to write their own nonfiction books based on an animal of their choosing. They recorded their top three choices on a post-it note and animal research groups were formed based on these interests.  

     All children were given the option of working within a group, but a few preferred to work alone. They gathered their facts, mostly using the illustrations, and recorded them on note paper.

note paper from Sarah's First Grade Snippets
 They then used these facts to write All About books.





     Once they finished, they took turns sharing their books with the class.

     Their interest in animal studies continues in the classroom beyond writing workshop as children are building habitats and zoos in the construction area and using the animal books in the science center to do further research.

     We continue to check in with the eagles to observe the growth of the eaglets and anticipate their flight from the nest.  My kindergartners too will be leaving  soon, and the work they've done with these animal research projects shows me they are more than ready to go!  

Thanks for stopping by!




  1. Where is the rug from that students play with the animals on?

  2. Where is the rug from that students play with the animals on?
