Saturday, July 4, 2015


There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children.  
One of these is roots; the other, wings."
                             W. Hodding Carter

        One day, many years ago, I found a dish towel at a garage sale that was adorned with the above quote. The dish towel was hideous, with a busy pattern of orange, gold, and avocado green florals from the seventies, but I bought it anyway because the quote resonated with me. It beautifully stated what I believed to be my role as an educator - to give children regular opportunities for modeled/guided instruction (roots) along with time for them to take risks and apply their learning independently (wings). I knew back then that it required a careful, delicate balance and that too much of one, at the expense of the other, would not lead to optimal growth.  It led me to discover and explore the workshop model, an approach I am still committed to today, because it provides the roots and wings balance that I feel children need to flourish.  I’ve been an educator for over 25 years now, and W. Hodding Carter’s quote still rings as true for me today as it did when I first stumbled upon it. For this reason, it seemed like a fitting title for this blog and also because it extends to my own learning as an educator.  In the days, weeks, and months to come, I hope to share with you, not only my deep roots, but even more importantly, my successes and failures as I spread my wings and try out new ideas in my ever evolving classroom.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful quote, title, and motivation behind your blog! I cannot wait to follow your journey!

    Your writing is very interesting to read!

    Joanne Marie Babalis
